Here is a list with links to all the Amsoil products that can be ordered online. Details on free shipping and wholesale buying can be found corporate site through these linked pictures below. Choose your interests and click the picture to learn more about Amsoils synthetic lubricants. When you arrive at the page, look at the price shown.
Then, Look for the “2 ways to save“ logo on the left. Pretend that you want to add a $10 preferred customer membership to get discounted prices, following the instructions you get when you click on the picture and add the membership to your cart. Now go back to the product you looked at and check out the preferred customer price and see the savings you will receive buy adding the membership to your order. Don’t worry, your not actually purchasing anything at that time, its just a way to show you the discount. It’s15-25% off retail prices in most cases. Don’t fret, this membership will not auto renew when the 6 months is up. It’s totally up to you if you wish to renew the preferred customer membership annually. There is No obligation to buy anything or to renew it, ever. You will receive a monthly magazine, catalog and wholesale price book in the mail and enjoy the same discounts as a dealer would receive!